Brand and Logo Development

Brand and logo development are two of the most important marketing concepts as it is the image that an organisation conveys about itself, products, services and even customers. Yet, many businesses fall short of establishing the right brand identity and have a hard time distinguishing themselves among a sea of hungry competitors.

While your logo is certainly part of your brand identity, it is not your entire brand. It does, however, play an important role in helping consumers identify your specific enterprise. This is why it is very important that you consult with professional brand identity experts that will work with you to create the type of image your company wants to project.

A company’s brand and logo often becomes their most valuable intellectual asset. In order to maximize effectiveness, all of the pieces that make up your brand identity must be able to be protected under international trademark laws. If it cannot be registered, then you will not be able to claim ownership to protect your own brand. This can potentially lead to confusion when other company’s use names similar to yours.

A lot of business owners mistakenly believe their brand identity is protected because they have copyrighted their website contents. This cannot be further from the truth. The fact is copyrighting only protects a specific work or collection, thereof. And, the copyright cannot be legally enforced unless the collection has been properly submitted and accepted by a governmental copyrighting body.

Our team of brand and logo development specialists will work with you to develop a lasting brand strategy that will distinctly represent your company. Through our brand and logo development, you will attain a strong return on investment coupled with a boost in profitability and increased customer retention. Start your business off right. Contact a brand and logo development expert today!

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